Sunday, April 8, 2007

Redefining Patriotism

Since two planes were crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and another crashed into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, the term "Patriot" has made a grand return into the political lexicon as well as that of everyday life. Patriot is defined by Webster as "one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests." Sounds reasonable. It described those who fought for our original liberty from the authority of Britain. It certainly described those who fought in every war since then. Including the current one. But, let me tell you what it does NOT describe...anyone who dares speak out against the current administration or the current war.

Too often these days, the current administration along with the Republicans in Congress are quick to label anyone who speaks out against the war or the president as "un-American" or "unpatriotic". This is a disgusting misuse of the word and, in all reality, is in itself an un-American thing to say.

I truly believe that one of the main issues that the majority (based on the last elections) of Americans have regarding the current administration and its partners in crime in Congress is that they have lost their way. In their zeal to recreate the country as a military superpower, they have truly lost sight of what America has been, is and will (hopefully) always be about....Freedom. Our Constitution, which is held up around the world as the most amazing political document ever conceived, is all about Freedom. Let's have a little refresher course on the Bill of Rights:

1. Freedom of Religion, Speech and Assembly
2. Right to Arm Bears...I mean, Bear Arms
3. No soldier will crash your pad during wartimes
4. No unreasonable searches and seizures
5. Right to due process in the law
6. Right to speedy and public trial
7. Right to trial by jury
8. No cruel and unusual punishment
9. Your rights are not better than anyone else's rights
10. Any rights not given to feds, given to states

So, what is with this civics lesson? What exactly does this have to do with Patriotism? And when am I going to start bashing the republicans again? Patience young Skywalkers.

So, the Republicans strike out at those of us who stand up and raise questions about the current war and how it is being waged. They call us unpatriotic and unAmerican for saying that the President has overstepped his powers. We are told that the "Patriot Act" is for our own good and we should be expected to give up some rights in the name of our fight against the evil doers. We are told that if you are not with us, you are against us. And I think many of us hear this and wonder, well, that is so freakin' asinine I am not even sure how to reply. Well, I have decided to help you with that answer.

I cannot count the number of times I have heard "Hey Jak, I have this friend who is ultra conservative...I would love to get the two of you together and watch you duke it out." My response lately has been "I would prefer not to as I find myself unable to be civil anymore. It could get ugly because I would probably end up getting personal." To that end, I have decided to help you out. So, the next time anyone calls you un Patriotic, ask the following:

"What do the following things have in common: Republican convention, The Patriot Act/unwarranted phone taps, Guantanamo Bay, Guantanamo Bay, Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib?"
"Give up?"
"They are the specific ways in which the current administration has trampled on numbers 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of the Bill of Rights. Does that sound very patriotic to you?"

This, of course, will begin an argument of excuses that the Republicans have become so good at. "Sometimes extreme times call for extreme measures." "We are in a state of War..that means that we must all give up a little something for the preservation of the country." Junk and more Junk (otherwise known as Bullshit). What it is is a matter of not learning from past mistakes. Internment camps during the Second World War. That is something we all look back on with fondness, eh? Think we might look back in 20 years and be a bit embarassed about Gitmo? Anyone remember a certain Senator named Joseph McCarthy? A little communist witch hunt? Sound like a less formalized version of The Patriot Act, but with hard working Arab-Americans as the prey of the Federal Gov't? We have gone down this whole wartime/extreme measures thing before. It never quite turns out the way we like it to. In fact, it turns out quite badly. But, while we are on the subject, the war IS very expensive. Do you think that we should all suck it up and give our part to the war and accept a tax hike or, at the very least, not lower taxes during a time of war? Sound good? That is something we have done with great success in the past as so many "Patriotic" Americans were more than willing to give a little bit more to support those troops out there risking their lives. Not these days. So, ask your conservative friend if he is letting his pocketbook drive any of his Patriotism over the past 5 years. In fact, what, besides longer lines at the airport, discomforts has he/she experienced in the name of Patriotism? That is what I thought.

Now, I understand that Patriotism is not the only thing being discussed today, but it is brought up quite often. Over the next few weeks, we will cover other more specific topics like the Iraq War, Immigration, Taxes, Iran, China, etc. I figure I will post once a week unless something really crazy comes up. Too many blogs, too little time, ya know.

I hope you are enjoying the new blog..thanks for the great comments!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, commited citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead


hk_kitty said...

Redifining Patriotism...renaming your blog. you now sound like you're on a mission and you're wishin' to cure this crappy bush condition.

longhorn in paradise said...

nominee for most original blog comment EVER. Way to go Kitty.

The Brown 4 said...

who has a crappy bush condition?

hk_kitty said...


The Brown 4 said...

I wouldn't know!

Anonymous said...

joining the mission -- I am passing this blog along to my underground -- liberal democrats in a predominantly conservative republican community. In addtion, have passed it along to the Flances who are primary movers for Richardson's candidacy for president. He may ultimately surface as the true diplomat. Stay tuned -- Jason's revolutionary comments may end up in some campaign speeches -- or history books! :-) My baby -- the revolutionary.

Love you ...

Anonymous said...

I truly don't feel that patriotism has been re-defined. I think it has been slanted to fit the individuals point. The republicans of course call you un-American if you speak out against the war, because they have no way to justify their support of Bush.
Fact: We should have never invaded Iraq, Fact: We should have admitted our mistake by now and pulled out. Fact: If we do pull out now, a lot of innocent's will die. Fact: That's really not our problem.
To be fair....other fact's….Fact: Bush had to do something after 9/11. Fact: He screwed up, and now he can't reverse course, because if he does the nation as a whole will truly know what he is. The worst president to ever hold office. Fact: We have not had any more major terrorist attacks since we invaded.
The one good thing I can say that has happened is that Joe Public has supported the troops, no matter how they feel about the government. When I think of how the Vietnam Vet's must have felt about Vietnam being a waste of human life, and then coming home to people spitting in their face. It must have made them feel totally useless. So thank god for public awareness.
Not sure I stated everything or anything I wanted to...... Patriotism has not been redefined, Webster's definition still holds true. I think maybe an astir under the definition such as "*blind patriotism is not patriotism " would be justified. Love your country, but by believing in a president simply because he is your current president or because he is a certain political race, is a slap in the face to all past president's efforts, the ones that truly made a difference.…. and that to me is unpatriotic.